Crackfill & Sealcoat

Crack filling and sealing is an important process in maintaining the longevity and durability of your pavement, as it helps prevent water and debris from penetrating the surface and causing further damage. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Clean the surface: The first step is to clean the surface of the pavement thoroughly to remove any dirt, debris, or loose particles. Use a high-pressure blower, a broom, or a power washer to ensure the surface is clean and dry.

  2. Prepare the crack filler: Use a crack filler product that is compatible with your pavement material and follows the manufacturer's instructions to prepare the filler.

  3. Apply the filler: Apply the crack filler to the cracks or holes in the pavement using a trowel or a caulk gun. Ensure that the filler is level with the surface of the pavement and smooth out any excess filler.

  4. Let it dry: Allow the filler to dry completely before applying a sealant. Drying times may vary depending on the product used, so refer to the manufacturer's instructions.

  5. Apply the sealant: Apply a pavement sealer over the entire surface of the pavement to protect the crack filler and prevent further damage. Use a brush, roller, or sprayer to apply the sealant.

  6. Allow it to dry: Let the sealant dry completely before allowing any traffic on the pavement. This may take up to 24 hours depending on weather conditions.

Regularly maintaining your pavement through crack filling and sealing can help extend its lifespan and reduce the need for costly repairs down the road.